пʼятниця, 25 березня 2016 р.

Day 5. Home

                                   Hi, guys! What's up? 

   Today our topic is Home. What first comes into your mind when you hear the word 'Home'? For some people it's a place wher they've grown up. For others - a place where somebody is always waiting for them. There are a lot of answers, right?
Actually, Wikipedia says that a home is a dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individualfamilyhousehold or several families in a tribe. It is often a houseapartment, or other building, or alternatively a mobile homehouseboatyurt or any other portable shelter. 

   So, below you can see different exercises dedicated to Home  topic. And! There are also lists of words on this topic. I hope, this will help you and your students to learn such a wonderful topic.  So, good luck, my dears!

                                                 Vocabulary and Exercises on Living Room Objects

                     Vocabulary and Exercises on Bedroom Objects 

                                                                    Vocabulary and Exercises on Kitchen Objects 

                                  Vocabulary and Exercises on Laundry Objects 

                                               Vocabulary and Exercises on Bathroom Objects

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